DASAMUKA BALLET (Base on Ramayana Epic)
Ravana (Dasamuka), The king .. was born with bring the karma of his parents
Make The Great King who is loved by his people bears the soul color ‘Black-Red’ as a symbol of greed, hatred, anger and the dark side of humanity. The side that is the destiny of 'karma' will of the gods ..
Make his magic and the power it has encouraged the King was always able to achieve all the desires .. Except for one thing, getting his true love ..
Things that make it must give up and destroyed by whiteness of truth.
Ravana is a victim of the will of the gods in order to create balance in the universe.
Although he faced death with the pure love of loyalty to Goddess Widowati ..
Although he faced death with the pure love of loyalty to Goddess Widowati ..
(Dasamuka Ballet ; in a typical Javanese Traditional Ballet Festival in Yogyakarta, October 2011)