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DASAMUKA BALLET (Base on Ramayana Epic)

Ravana (Dasamuka) , T he king .. was born with bring the karma of his parents Make The Great King who is loved by his people bears the soul color ‘ Black-Red’ as a symbol of greed , hatred , anger and the dark side of humanity .   The side that is the destiny of ' karma' will of the gods .. Make his magic and the power it has encouraged the King was always able to achieve all the desires .. Except for one thing , getting his true love .. Things that make it must give up and destroyed by whiteness of truth. Ravana is a victim of the will of the gods in order to create balance in the universe . Although he faced death with the pure love of loyalty to Goddess Widowati .. ( Download Video ) (Dasamuka Ballet ; in a typical Javanese Traditional Ballet Festival in Yogyakarta , October 2011 )

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